1. What are cookies?

With regard to the necessary and own cookies used on the website, the data controller:

Hell Energy Hungary Ltd.

headquarters: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 126.

company registration number: 01-09-729429

Availability: [email protected]

hereinafter referred to as Hell Energy, and


Hell Energy Store Ltd.

headquarters: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 126.

company registration number: 01-09-710935

Availability: [email protected]

hereinafter referred to as Hell Energy Store


(Hell Energy and hell energy store together: Data Controllers)

A cookie is a set of information about the user's activity, which is stored on the device used to access the website. The cookie does not harm your device, however, it allows us to increase your browsing experience as well as the response speed of the website. Further information, including the display of personalised advertisements, will only be collected with your prior consent (see details below).

Please read this notice carefully, which contains detailed information about the cookies used on the website and how to customize them.

  1. Cookies used on our website, legal bases

The necessary cookies used on our website are stored on the data subject without consent, while other cookies are stored on the data subject only with your consent.

  • NECESSARY COOKIES (does not require prior consent)

These cookies are necessary for the operation of the website. They are usually installed on the respective device at your request, i.e. in view of your activity on the website, such as cookie settings. In order for these cookies to work properly and to record your preferences, it is not recommended that you delete these cookies even after you have finished browsing. However, these cookies have a specific validity period (which does not exceed 2 years), after which they are automatically deactivated. These cookies, as well as the information they collect, are used exclusively for the above purposes. The use of necessary cookies does not require prior consent: during the opening of the website and during certain activities on the website (e.g. during the cookie settings or when using the "remember me" function), these cookies are automatically stored on the device. However, you have the right to prohibit the use of these cookies, i.e. to delete them (see section 3).

Cookie name


What data do you have access to? Does a third party have access to the data?

Duration of cookies








  • PERFORMANCE COOKIES (requires prior consent)

Website visit and traffic data is measured, which allows us to evaluate the performance of the website (we can find out which pages, sections are more popular, as well as get a greater understanding of the use of the website by visitors) so that we can identify areas that need improvement. These cookies only collect data that is not linked to the persons concerned (anonymous data). You have the right not to allow the use of these cookies and the possibility to change your cookie settings at a later stage (see section 3).

Legal basis: consent of the data subject (Eht. § 155(4) and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC and Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).  The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time via the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the website. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Cookie name


What data do you have access to? Does a third party have access to the data?

Duration of cookies








  • FUNCTIONAL COOKIES (requires prior consent)

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website (e.g. video, chat). These cookies allow you to play videos and audio recordings. These cookies are activated by us or by a third party providing a special function if you wish to use that feature. You have the right not to allow the use of these cookies and the possibility to change your cookie settings at a later stage (see section 3).

Legal basis: consent of the data subject (Eht. § 155(4) and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC and Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).  The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time via the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the website. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Cookie name


What data do you have access to? Does a third party have access to the data?

Duration of cookies








  • TARGETING COOKIES (requires prior consent)

Targeting cookies are only installed with your prior consent. Certain targeting cookies used on the website belong to third parties, in which case prior consent is also required to install the cookies.

You have the right not to allow the use of these cookies and the possibility to change your cookie settings at a later stage (see section 3).

Third parties have the right to access the information collected by cookies. Such third parties include, but are not limited to:

Targeting cookies also include cookies for the purpose of personalized advertising and re-solicitations.

  • profiling cookies for advertising purposes: user profiles are created to send advertisements based on the user's browsing habits;
  • retargeting cookies: cookies used to send advertisements about products in which you have previously shown an interest (e.g. to indicate pages about the product you have visited on our site when visiting other websites) or to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Legal basis: consent of the data subject (Eht. § 155(4) and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC and Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).  The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time by clicking on the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the website or by e-mail via the [email protected] address. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Cookie name


What data do you have access to? Does a third party have access to the data?

Duration of cookies




We use this cookie to store the data required for campaigns: campaign ID, date and time of first visit, date and time of last visit, number of page views, variant ID, campaign status and number of visitor impressions.

This cookie is stored for 1 year.

Marketing/ Targeting cookie



This cookie is used to identify the visitor.

This cookie is stored for 1 year.

Marketing/ Targeting cookie



Here we store the Session ID, which is the visitor's current session.

This cookie expires after the current session.

Marketing/ Targeting cookie


  • SOCIAL MEDIA COOKIES (requires prior consent)

Our website allows certain social media sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) to install their own cookies via plug-ins. These cookies are managed directly by third parties for the purpose of displaying advertisements in accordance with your cookie settings. You have the right not to allow the use of these cookies and the possibility to change your cookie settings at a later stage (see section 3).

Legal basis: consent of the data subject (Eht. § 155(4) and Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC and Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).  The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time via the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the website. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Cookie name


What data do you have access to? Does a third party have access to the data?

Duration of cookies








  1. Changing cookie settings, withdrawing consent
  • 3.1. Performance, functional, targeting and social media cookies are only activated with prior consent. For this purpose, we have created a cookie banner that provides adequate information about the cookies used on the website, to which you have the right to consent. The consents you give us are recorded using necessary cookies. For this reason, the cookie banner will no longer be displayed on subsequent visits to the website. If you delete the necessary cookies after visiting the website, please note that in this case the information about your consent will also be deleted, so the cookie banner will pop up again on the next visit to the website. You have the right to change your cookie settings at any time or to disable the use of all cookies in your browser (however, this may also affect the operation of the website). You also have the right to withdraw your consent (via the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the website or by e-mail at the [email protected] address. For information on cookie settings through your web browser, please refer to the paragraphs below.
  • 3.2. You have the option to disable all cookies in your browser and to set a notification in case a website wishes to place cookies on your device. Please note that if you do not allow the use of cookies, some functions of the website may have problems during their operation. Information on how to delete cookies is available at the following links: Chrome;  FirefoxIE;  OperaSafari
  • 3.3. You also have the right to change your cookie settings via the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the website.
  • 3.4. Cookies used by third parties requiring consent

These third parties are responsible for the performance, targeting, and social media cookies and cookie-related activities (including the collection and use of information) used by third parties. For detailed information on the management of these cookies, please read the cookie notices available at the links below (the list is not exhaustive), which contain, among other things, the provisions on the authorisation or deletion of cookies.

Also, certain advertising networks allow you to prohibit personalized communication. However, all this does not prevent the activation of cookies, however, it suspends the collection of certain data for advertising service providers belonging to the network. Please note that the cookies used by third parties on the website may not belong to these networks, so these third parties may continue to install cookies on your device. For more information, please visit: