Statement Regarding Cookies

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small package of information that is stored on the relevant device until you delete it (in addition, browser programs can automatically delete cookies when the cookie expires).


How does the HELL ENERGY PROMO website use cookies?

Like most websites, we also use our own and third-party cookies, together with technologies that contribute to the proper functioning of the website and the provision of a personalized service, as well as to learn about user preferences.

With regard to necessary and own cookies used on the website, the data manager:

Company name: HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft.

Headquarters: 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 126.

Tax number: 13324223-4-44

Group identification number: 17782263-5-44

Company registration number: 01-09-729429

Phone: +36 46 887 870

Represented by: Managing Director Ernő Barabás

e-mail address: [email protected]

The Data Controller and third parties may use their own or third-party cookies and other technologies that track user behavior in connection with the use of the website. In addition, certain user activities related to the website may be recorded, and advertisements may be displayed based on the user's previous activities. Third parties automatically receive the IP addresses of the data subjects if the activity is tracked.